Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sparkle Sparkle Little Star

So amazingly I survived New Years Eve and ended up here, wondering what I was going to say.
Recently I have been visciously attacked by a virus known as "FASHION FEVER" symptoms include; a ridiculous obsession with online shopping, thorough investigation of fashion blogs, stopping at every attractive item of clothing/accessory/shoe and practically self zombifying yourself, and in some rare and extreme cases (such as mine) physically DREAMING about clothes. Seriously, almost every night for a few weeks now: dreams. About clothes. What?
I think it started here, yes blogger is to blame. It began almost three months ago when I was studying for my final exams for high school. I stumbled across first The Style Rookie and then all her Weardrobe cohorts, and then upwards and outwards, until my inclination for fashion blogs picked up speed and turned into an obsession. And then I ended up here. Backreading my favourite blogs, discovering for the first time all these amazing things these cool people knew about years ago. I'm not worried that I'm years behind because I still found it in the end didn't I?

One of the best things I've discovered so far has been the show Nearly Famous, yes, I was previously aware of the existence of shows like Skins, Gossip Girl, etc (I'm not THAT behind the times) but this show has managed to successfully fly under the radar of the majority of youth, especially in Australia. Okay, so it never aired in Australia that I know of, but still... I watched all the episodes (all 6 of them mind you) on Youtube (shhh! Don't tell anyone) and have signed the petition for them to produce a second season, even though we know they won't, which is sad, because the show is actually quite good.

Nearly Famous focused on the lives of four young, talented individuals studying at the Salinger School (a fictional performing arts school in London) each student had their own struggles, secrets and reasons for wanting to be at the school, and together the four managed to make it through a variety of challenges. There was Lila the writer, played by Talulah Riley, who had to manage with her psycologically damaged mother. Owen the dark, moody, and ever so broody musician, played by Aaron Johnson. Kate, the aspiring actress attempting to pave her own way without the help of her famous father, played by Anna Brewster, and Joe, the nerdy, camp and totally adorable light and sound technician played by Tunji Kasim.
The characters seemed to all represent a different sector in regards to stereotypes, the arty eccentric one, the emo, the nerd and the princess but the writers did a good job of meshing them which was quite nice. I particularly like that although there were quite a few hot topics discussed on the show it wasn't nearly as hard-hitting as Skins.

I am particularly fond of the amazing little red shorts that Anna Brewster (Kate) wears a few times in the series. I have a pair of red shorts myself but never wore them because I thought they were a bit short, however my friends convinced me to wear them out at christmas and I got complimented so I guess they'll reappear one day. Note how the shorts are semi-high waisted and combined with knee high sicks and a metallic gold shirt, bold. I like it.

But by far the greatest trademark of Kates was her amazing gold sequinned headband.
It is the love. Immediately after watching the first two episodes it had imprinted itself on my brain and I had to have a sequinned headband of my own. Repeat HAD to have one. It's beautiful. Soon after graduating my mum and I went to Noosa to visit my Nanna for a few days, while my Nan was at Bowling (yes she plays lawn bowls the dear) mum and I snuck out and went op-shopping, I bought a headband-esque strip of dark blue sequins for 50 cents. It's almost three times the width of Kates one, but I love it. Not too long after that I was in Diva and found a three pack of sequinned headbands for $13, I didn't care that that's a ridiculous amount of money to spend on three little strips of elasticised sequins because I had tunnel vision, among the pack were black, silver and GOLD. Identical to Kate's.

My only problem is that Diva is such a popular franchise and half of Australia probably have the same headbands as me, because I rock it in my own way, therefore making those little sparkly rings of glory my own. Besides I saw a blonde girl walking around with a silver one on when I was wearing my silver one, and people noticed mine more (it helps that I have nearly black hair)

What I'm basically saying is, it was totally "meant to be" that I found these headbands and I love them and therefore I don't care that everyone has them, because I will cherish them always and maybe I should have left that spot clear for some kind of speech about uniqueness and personal style, but you know...

Kates style in itself is inspiring (maybe it's the name?) I admire the short shorts and loose shirts, the slight Go Go girl vibe, she also accessorises well, (was that a blatant reference to the gold sequinned headband again? Yes, yes it was.) not only with headbands but beanies, necklaces, and that awesome fur contraption she wore. (Not that I approve of fur, but the thing with antique fur clothing is that it's more respectful to wear it and honour the animal by caring for it's fur than by letting it rot away in an op-shop somewhere) oh, and the socks. Mmmm socks.

Lila (pronounced Lie-lah) has a unique style too, although it is a bit reminiscent of Cassie from Skins, layer upon layer of quirky items, colours that shouldn't match and an assortment of strange hats. When she gets dressed up Lila tends to look like one of those 50's/60's housewives that advertised things like washing machines. Especially with her chronic bouffant.
Although I don't particularly like the panda eyes, i.e. her seemingly permanantly applied eyeliner/thick black monstrosity, not that you can't wear your eyeliner however you want, I prefer a lighter eye is all.

When it came to the show I immediately emphasised with Lila and Joe, not only because I'm an aspiring writer myself, but also because I seem to have that same quirky nature and strange fashion sense, as well as that brazen naivety as Lila. And of course I'm a terrible nerd, although the word geek seems better applied, also, like Joe I know my way around a sound or lighting desk. I studied Entertainment Industry for two years and came out with the knowledge that allows me to help out with local theatre productions and dance spectaculars. I'm much better at lights than sound, although lights are a lot simpler and the desk is less intimidating, and I prefer the visual reward of lighting a stage well more than the hassle of dealing with feedback and phantom noises in a soundsystem, and I just realised I was rattling on so I might stop now sorry.

My neighbours across the valley are having a bit of a shin-dig but I'm going out early tomorrow so I won't wander over, although before we all ran outside to watch their fireworks (shh don't tell anyone) but couldn't see them quite properly through the trees. I can sort of hear the music too, although mostly just the bass. It's usually a pretty alright do held over the valley, but the guys father's a bit mean and doesn't get along with my parents even if we young ones are friends. It doesn't matter anyway because tomorrow will more than make up for missing this mini event.

Love terribly; Lylie Mai
P.S. Is there a known cure for fashion fever other than retail therapy? or will I literally have to shop it out?

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